Revealing the Real You: Balancing Personal and Professional Identity on Social Media

Today, let's dive into a topic that resonates with all of us: how we can authentically show up on social media with different parts of our personalities. As small business owners, we wear many hats and have numerous facets to our identities.

Instagram, up until the launch of Threads recently, being a visual and interactive platform, used to offer the perfect space for us to express our authentic selves. Somehow over time this has evolved into something pressurised and, at times, quite toxic, striving for ‘perfection’ – the perfect aesthetic grid, the perfect life, clients and relationships. It has become so far removed from the messy chaotic lives we all live that we have lost all connection with each other and with our own happiness too.

So, let's explore how we can harness the power of the new Threads app, and by doing so change our relationship with Instagram, once again feeling the courage to showcase our multidimensional personalities, our multi-passionate creative lives, and return to forging genuine connections with our audience.

Understanding Your Multi-Dimensional Personality

First things first, let's take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that each of us has many layers to our personalities. We're not just business owners; we're also artists, dreamers, storytellers, parents, partners, and so much more. Embracing these different dimensions allows us to bring unique perspectives and strengths to our creative endeavours.

The Power of Authenticity on Social Media

Authenticity (despite becoming one of my most hated buzz words) is the secret ingredient that can make our Instagram presence truly remarkable. By being genuine and real, we create connections with our audience that go beyond superficial interactions. People are drawn to authenticity like a magnet. So, let your true self shine through your posts, captions, and interactions. Share your passions, values, and quirks. Remember, authenticity breeds trust, and trust is the foundation for lasting relationships with your followers, encouraging them to become the client you want and need.

Balancing Personal and Professional Identity

One common challenge we face on Instagram is finding the right balance between our personal and professional identities. As creative entrepreneurs, we want to showcase our work while also sharing glimpses of our personal lives. The key lies in setting clear boundaries. Decide what aspects of your personal life you're comfortable sharing and what should remain private. Remember, you have the power to shape your narrative. For instance, my husband and I decided early on that our daughter would not appear on social media until she was old enough for herself to decide when and how (she now occasionally models for me, but always pre-approves the images I share). That is not to say I believe everyone should do the same, I absolutely think you should decide what level of exposure you want for yourself and your family. And the same goes for every other aspect of your life – what and how much you allow to be seen by the outside world should be your own considered choice.

Strategies for Showcasing Your Multi-Faceted Self

Now, let's explore some strategies to showcase the different facets of your personality on Instagram:

Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives around your creative journey, inspirations, and challenges. Share personal anecdotes that resonate with your audience and create an emotional connection.

Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Take your audience behind the scenes of your creative process. Share photos or videos that give a peek into your workspace, materials, or techniques. This not only humanises your brand but also highlights your expertise.

Showcasing Your Hobbies and Interests: Don't be afraid to showcase your hobbies and interests beyond your business. If you love wild swimming, cooking, or painting, share posts that reflect these passions. It adds depth to your personality and invites conversation beyond your business niche. Plus if you love things your clients love you are much more likely to attract them and build a common, shared experience.

Engage with Your Audience: Building an engaged community on Instagram is a two-way street. Encourage your followers to share their stories, opinions, and experiences. Respond to comments, ask questions, and create opportunities for meaningful conversations. This builds a sense of belonging and fosters authenticity within your community.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Vulnerability

Authenticity requires vulnerability, and that can be intimidating. It's natural to have fears and insecurities about showing up as your true self. Remember, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Embrace imperfections, share your struggles, and celebrate your achievements. By doing so, you create a safe and supportive space that encourages others to do the same. For me this is something I struggled with a lot on Instagram – it didn’t actually feel a safe space to share my more vulnerable experiences – whereas Threads (for now at least) has allowed me to open up a lot more, and to not second guess as much what I write or the photographs I share. And the return I am seeing and feeling from my audience has made me feel like it is a place of true connection, and yes, authenticity. I am finding conversations I am having interesting, thought-provoking, fun, silly, and all of the things that go into making us human – just what social media should have always been.


As creative entrepreneurs, Instagram and Threads offers us a powerful platform to express our multi-faceted selves. Embracing authenticity on Instagram’s Threads app allows us to connect with our audience on a deeper level, build trust, and foster meaningful relationships. So, let's take that leap of faith and show up as our true, multifaceted selves. Remember, Instagram is not just about growing your business; it's about connecting with fellow creatives, sharing your passions, and making a positive impact. So, go ahead, share your story, and let the world see the incredible person behind the business!

Now, it's your turn… How do you embrace your layered personality on Instagram? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let's inspire and support each other on this journey.


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